home decor

Sweet as honey... 

dekoracja home decor


Moja dzisiejsza propozycja to dekoracja scrapowo-mixedmediowa do dziecięcego pokoju. Wykonałam ją z przewagą pastelowych kolorów, dodając odrobinę granatu dla przełamania monotonii:) Uroczy bobas na fotce i baza aniołka to idealnie pasujące do siebie elementy... zatem dekoracja gotowa:)

Today's proposal is a mixed-media scrap decoration for a children's room. I made it with a predominance of pastel colors, adding a little Navy blue to break the monotony :) The charming baby on the photo and the base of the angel are perfectly matching elements ... so the decoration is ready :)

Mam nadzieję, że pomysł jest ciekawy i przypadnie Wam do gustu:) Pozdrawiam

I hope you like it:)

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  1. So soothing...
    Love the pastels and love the picture.
    Thank you for playing with us this month

  2. Stunning
    Thank you for playing with us this month.
    MMA Chalkenge

  3. Jaki słodki krasnalek. Słodka, urocza praca. Pięknie!

  4. Adorable b fabulous project! Love it💕 thanks for joining us at MMA

  5. It's such an adorable project. As lovely and cute as the baby in the pic! Thanks for joining us at Mixed Media Academy's May challenge. Please make sure you have followed all the rules of the challenge. All the best.

    Priyanka Srivastava
    Admin and DT member (MMA)

    1. Thank you so much for such a nice comment.❤❤❤ I tried to comply with all the rules of the challenge😊👍😊 Greetings😊

  6. Such a cute project! Thank you for participating in the MMA challenge!

  7. Wonderful frame for picture. Thank you for participating in the MMA challenge!


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